About Us

Who We Are

Pulse for Integrated Solutions GmbH, headquartered in Munich, Germany, is a leader in the field of remote patient monitoring (RPM). As one of the first companies globally to develop and manufacture comprehensive RPM devices and systems, we are at the forefront of transforming healthcare through technological innovation.
Our cutting-edge RPM solutions are designed for a wide range of applications, including ambulances, airplanes, hospitals, medical service providers, nursing homes, and sports medicine technology.

Our areas of expertise encompass:

  • Hardware Design and Manufacturing: Creating state-of-the-art devices, including wearables, that enable seamless remote patient monitoring and telemedicine.
  • Embedded System Development: Engineering robust embedded systems that form the core of our advanced healthcare solutions.
  • Software Development: Developing sophisticated software platforms that empower healthcare professionals to deliver superior remote care.
  • Digital Signal Processing: Implementing advanced signal processing techniques to ensure the highest quality of data transmission and analysis.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Leveraging intelligent algorithms to enhance diagnostic accuracy and operational efficiency.
  • Medical Informatics: Innovating solutions for the effective management and analysis of medical data to improve patient outcomes and streamline healthcare operations.
  • Quality Assurance and Control: Upholding rigorous standards to ensure the reliability and safety of our products and services.
Our Mission & Vision

We aspire to become the foremost provider of remote healthcare solutions, revolutionizing the way people manage their healthcare needs. Our goal is to make a significant impact on the lives of individuals by offering innovative and accessible healthcare solutions. Together, we can transform the future of healthcare delivery.

Our mission is to innovate, develop and provide the recent information, communication and electronics technologies serving healthcare. Hence, we aim to change the prospect and the scope of the healthcare practice and management.
By offering cutting-edge solutions, we aim to create a dynamic and interconnected healthcare ecosystem that empowers healthcare professionals, patients, and institutions. Together, we can transform the landscape of healthcare, making it more efficient, accessible, and life-saving.

We are expert in:

  • Hardware design and manufacturing
  • Embedded System Development
  • Software Development
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • AI and Machine learning

Pulse operates a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Germany, reflecting our commitment to quality and precision. We are proud to hold ISO 13485:2016 accreditation, along with compliance to ISO 27001:2022 and ISO 9001:2015 standards. All our products are CE certified and have been cleared by regulatory bodies such as the MHRA, SFDA, MDA, and EDA.
Our solutions are designed to address the unique challenges of remote healthcare, providing medical professionals with the tools needed to deliver timely and effective care, regardless of location. At Pulse, we are not just advancing technology; we are partnering with healthcare providers worldwide to revolutionize the delivery of healthcare through innovative, reliable, and cutting-edge solutions.